Infectious Disease North Carolina

Expert in Infectious Disease & Superbug Decontamination in North Carolina and All Surrounding Areas

American Family provides professional communicable disease & superbug disinfection services to eliminate hazardous and often invisible pathogens like bacteria, viruses & infectious when we are done.

Infectious Disease Disinfecting in North Carolina

American Family specializes in turning in the perfect standards of biohazard remediation and communicable sickness disinfection. We are devoted to offering emergency fast response 24/7 so you can focus on what’s important in your household or business.
Cleanup is protected by most Home Owners Insurance Policies.


Discretion Guaranteed

Your privacy is our priority. We provide discreet, compassionate, and professional help in your time of need.


We Are Here For You

You can rely on us to handle everything with empathy, respect and proficiency.


No Out-Of-Pocket Cost

We work with all the major home insurance carriers so you can keep finances out of the picture and focus on moving forward.

Covid-19, Mrsa, Hepatitis A, B & C And More

Infectious diseases such as C.diff, MRSA, Hepatitis, Staph, and others are extremely contagious and easily passed person to person. Infectious diseases are defined as any kind of virus, organisms, or bacteria that if any other individual comes in contact with, swallows, or inhales can harm the individual or can cause death.

Bacteria and viruses are invisible and difficult to detect and remediate once a building has been contaminated. When an individual has an infectious disorder it is critical that all rooms and items they have touched are decontaminated by a licensed biohazard cleanup company. Trying to clean this on your own exposes all persons who enter those surroundings to the disease.
Infectious illnesses are most often highly contagious and must be taken seriously and only those trained and equipped to decontaminate surroundings be called to remediate the facilities. American Family’s expert biohazard technicians use government approved chemicals, compounds, and strategies designed to decontaminate and completely kill infectious illnesses.

What Is MRSA?

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a type of staph bacteria that’s become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections.
​Most MRSA infections occur in people who’ve been in hospitals or other health care settings, such as nursing homes and dialysis centers. When it occurs in these settings, it’s known as healthcare-associated MRSA (HA-MRSA). HA-MRSA infections typically are associated with invasive procedures or devices, such as surgeries, intravenous tubing or artificial joints.
Another type of MRSA infection has occurred in the wider community — among healthy people. This form, community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA), often begins as a painful skin boil. It’s spread by skin-to-skin contact. At-risk populations include groups such as high school wrestlers, child care workers and people who live in crowded conditions.

What Is C.DIFF?

Blood Vesseles
Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) is a bacterium that causes diarrhea and colitis (inflammation of the colon). It’s estimated to cause almost half a million illnesses in the United States each year. About 1 in 5 patients who get C. diff will get it again. Within a month of diagnosis, 1 in 11 people over age 65 died of a healthcare-associated C. diff infection

What Is Hepatitis A, B & C?

“Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. It can have many causes, including viruses, medications, and alcohol. Most commonly, however, we think of the viruses, called A, B and C. There are several other viruses that cause inflammation of the liver, including hepatitis D and hepatitis E, but they are not as common in the United States as in other parts of the world.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A virus causes an acute inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) that almost always gets better on its own. It can be more serious if we are older when we have the disease. It is easily spread from person to person, in food and water, and can infect many people at once (example: if a food handler at a restaurant is infected, many who ate the food can be infected).
Symptoms of Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can be both acute (short-term illness) and chronic (ongoing illness) and is spread through blood or other body fluids in various ways. Hepatitis B is very common in Asia and Africa and those who were born or lived in these areas should be checked for hepatitis B.
​Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is almost always chronic and spreads only by blood. Hepatitis A and B can be prevented by vaccination, but not hepatitis C. There are now many good medications available to treat chronic hepatitis B and C.
The symptoms of acute hepatitis include yellowing of the skin and eyes, nausea, fever, and fatigue. Chronic hepatitis may have no symptoms and can last many years and lead to cirrhosis of the liver, which means the liver becomes heavily scarred and less functional.

How Soon Must We Act?

The most common diseases that need immediate cleaning are as follows:
If COVID-19, C.diff, MRSA, or Staph are exposed to a home, business or school, we are able to clean all infected areas with the proper chemicals to assist in preventing the transfer of the disease.

American Family Bio Clean is the Leading Blood Cleanup Company in North Carolina