When Does a Vehicle Require Professional Decontamination?

Every business or organization that operates a fleet needs to clean its vehicle from time to time, but certain situations require more than a quick wash. Vehicle decontamination services make your vehicles safe to operate again or, in a worst-case scenario, allow you to decommission and dispose of them safely. Understanding when a vehicle requires […]
Hazardous and Biohazardous Waste — What Business Owners Should Know

The proper handling of hazardous and biohazardous waste is crucial to protect your business, employees, and the environment. But if your business doesn’t normally involve either of these waste types, you may not quite know what you must do about it and why. To help out any business that faces an unexpected hazardous or biohazardous […]
Animal Hoarding: A Guide

If a resident in your home or a rental unit engaged in animal hoarding, you often have a biohazard situation. An animal hoarding home can have serious health risks. Therefore, the cleaning situation is a delicate issue, best handled by a professional. Discover more about what animal hoarding is, what its health risks are, and […]
Sewage Backup? 4 Reasons to Call in the Pros

A sewage backup is something that everyone dreads and you shouldn’t deal with it by yourself. Sewer backups are most commonly triggered by heavy storms and floods that overwhelm sewer infrastructure. Occasionally, sewage backups can be caused by debris obstructing sewage lines, such as tree roots or other non-soluble material. Whatever the reason for the […]
Your Rental Property Suffered a Pest Infestation: Now What?
Dealing with pests in your own home can be a troubling experience, but dealing with infestation problems in a rental property can be uniquely frustrating. Not only do you need to worry about the safety of your tenants, but you must also consider your legal obligations and future revenue. Unfortunately, calling in an exterminator may be only the first step in your journey.
Why You Need Sanitation Professionals After a Tragedy
When someone is attacked or hurts themselves in your home, it’s always a tragedy, especially if it involves a loved one. However, even after your loved one is safe, you may be left with a huge mess to clean. Instead of trying to do it yourself, check out these four advantages to hiring professionals.
Coronavirus Exposure at Your Business? What to Know About Disinfection
Has an employee or customer tested positive for COVID-19? If so, your business must take swift action to avoid unnecessary closures, risks to others, and even liability. One important tool in this fight is thorough and professional disinfection. Here’s what you need to know about disinfecting during the pandemic.
Costly Mistakes to Avoid With Unattended Death Scenes
The clean-up process after an unattended death is never an easy task, especially if it is a death that involves a loved one. Cases of unattended death are common among seniors who do not have someone who checks on them each day. In such scenarios, bodies are found weeks or months after they pass away. The impacted area will be full of biohazards, including blood, urine, and feces.
The plight of hoarders has gained mainstream attention through the media and reality TV shows. If you or a loved one struggles with an addiction like hoarding and are seeking help, a professional cleaning company can help you through the emotional and labor-intensive process.
Learning a loved one has passed away is a devastating experience. Older adults may pass away alone when family members and friends don’t check in regularly. This is known as an unattended death. If a long period of time passes after death, the situation is referred to as an undiscovered death.